Vampire bites littered
My little bother's forearms,
Exposing his lifelines.
Crouched to the ground, he cried,
“Don’t look at me, Sister. I am not your bother anymore.”
This led him to place a gun to his head,
Red and blue flashes raced to his aide.
Only to see the villain in his laugh
As they cuffed him and took him to jail.
“It was only a joke.”
This is where
Bottles of false hopes
Gave my dad a kaleidoscope vision on life:
Dizzying him to drink more, to blackout
As he veered to a sign and walk away unscathed.
Where I pulled on his overstretched shirt
Pleading him to come back
To come back to us.
Because a rundown trailer with vacant fridges
And dust-laden cabinets is all we had.
“Dad, can you hear me?”
Only silence answered.
Cut to my mom,
Falling to her knees as
Rives flowed from her eyes,
Followed by stuttered apologies
And a pause of realization
That her life was over:
She had lost her marriage and us, her kids.
Nothing was worse than that.
“I’m so sorry. It was all a misunderstanding.”
But to be called a liar by her
is like a Silver bullet to a werewolf,
that pierces my core and kills at once.
Iraq was his tour and he was to serve again.
“I swear I miss Dustin too!”
“Liar! You’re just copying me!”
I cried for my big brother to save me that night.
Past a decade ago,
My world of Lisa Frank stickers and folders
was shattered by a boy of platinum hair,
ice water eyes, parchment colored skin.
He walked up and stole my smile,
“You’re ugly. Your skin is the color of mud and you don’t belong here.”
Speechless. Collapsing into a fit of tears. No one defended me.