Political does best here.
With your spears
of political correctness
That stabs us all with labels of:
And “Native American”
But according to Facebook
Native is considered being grown
In a foreign Caucasian fetus
That dominates its environment
Like a super virus developed by
This ill born government.
Which I might say was cultivated
By the Pacific tribe of give and take.
We gave you our tips on cultivating farms
And we receive diseases, death and defame
Our faces not recognized on milk cartons,
Tribes erased like a mistake on a school paper.
We are not needed.
With our genes and skin that was gifted
To us by our beloved creator.
It’s a natural tan,
To remind us that we are born from
The womb of Mother Earth.
And yet,
You sit in tombs of artificial light
Wanting this tone,
This color that you see unfit
That you deemed “dumb”.
What we gave was life
In the canal systems that we built.
And took only what was needed
Food and clothing.
Teachings handed through time,
Again you tossed it away like
your unborn kids
Who didn’t fit the standard norm
Of this society.
Take what you need,
Know your clans,
Know where you come from.